Henk Hoogenkamp https://henkhoogenkamp.com Fri, 22 Mar 2024 10:23:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/favicon.png Henk Hoogenkamp https://henkhoogenkamp.com 32 32 LUCHTFIETSERIJ (Column Dutch) https://henkhoogenkamp.com/luchtfietserij-column-dutch/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/luchtfietserij-column-dutch/#respond Fri, 22 Mar 2024 10:18:27 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2964 De bomen in Silicon Valley reiken niet langer tot aan de hemel. Ook in de Lage Landen houden durfkapitalisten de hand vaker op de knip. Anno 2024 is het voor de startups zwoegen om geld binnen te harken. Of het nu om ‘seeding money’ gaat, dan wel om participatie in de series A, B of C.

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Algorithm driven e-health & nutrition https://henkhoogenkamp.com/algorithm-driven-e-health-nutrition/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/algorithm-driven-e-health-nutrition/#respond Fri, 22 Mar 2024 10:16:33 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2962 Henk Hoogenkamp, Author & Protein Specialist, explores the profound impact of technology, particularly artificial intelligence, on healthcare and nutrition. The relevance to the food industry lies in the transformative potential of personalised nutrition, leveraging AI and wearable technologies. The integration of e-health and nutrition not only addresses medical challenges but also presents opportunities for the food sector. Personalised nutrition, influenced by real-time health data, signals a shift towards holistic lifestyle choices and wellbeing, revolutionising the traditional paradigms of food, supplements, and healthcare networks.

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Gut glory https://henkhoogenkamp.com/gut-glory/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/gut-glory/#respond Fri, 22 Mar 2024 10:05:13 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2958 The gut is your brain

Dietary fibre is well accepted as an important part of the diet and can exert a long range of health benefits, such as reducing plasma cholesterol, decreasing blood pressure, as well as decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It has been well documented that dietary fibres play a key role in body-weight regulation and reduced risk of related diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

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CONFLICTING ALIGNMENT & DISRUPTIVE CHOICES https://henkhoogenkamp.com/conflicting-alignment-disruptive-choices/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/conflicting-alignment-disruptive-choices/#respond Wed, 06 Mar 2024 19:49:40 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2947 Health and environmental agendas are not always aligned with the current dietary recommendations. For example, in affluent countries, the recommended amount of meat consumption is significantly less than current consumption levels. People are encouraged to eat more vegetables, fruits, wholegrain, low-fat dairy products, and omega-rich seafood. However, they instead consume more hyper-processed foods containing hidden levels of sugar, sodium, transfat, and highly refined grains. The price differences between healthy and unhealthy foods are widening, which may contribute to food insecurity in certain economically depressed regions and increase health inequalities. The latter could further exacerbate social inequalities in health.

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SALT: NOT A SWEET STORY Part 2 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/salt-not-a-sweet-story-part-2/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/salt-not-a-sweet-story-part-2/#respond Tue, 23 Jan 2024 08:31:58 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2942 Prominent world societies like those in the UK, US, and China are consuming dangerous levels of sodium. In China, most of the salt is added while preparing and cooking their own meals. Eating lots of processed foods and “compulsive-eating snacks” -also classified as junk foods- can become addictive. Salt and fat are especially pleasing to the mouthfeel. With the addition of crunch and sugar, it becomes hard to control compulsive eating.

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CULTIVATED MEAT (Column Dutch) https://henkhoogenkamp.com/cultivated-meat-column-dutch/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/cultivated-meat-column-dutch/#respond Thu, 14 Dec 2023 05:38:09 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2937 Het is altijd gemakkelijk praten om als insider aan de zijlijn te staan en te observeren waar het goed of fout kan gaan. Zo ook bij de grote aantallen mondiale startups die vol energie het ‘Ei van Columbus’ zoeken door slachtvrij vlees (cultivated meat) als een sublieme tournedos te produceren.

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THE BAMBI FACTOR (Column Dutch) https://henkhoogenkamp.com/the-bambi-factor-column-dutch/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/the-bambi-factor-column-dutch/#respond Thu, 14 Dec 2023 05:37:00 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2934 Om met schaatsfenomeen en ‘beauty-influencer’ Jutta Leerdam te spreken: ‘Het moet maar eens afgelopen zijn de menstruatieperikelen weg te moffelen.’ Al in 2001 heeft deze columnist al eens kenbaar gemaakt dat het geen toeval is dat puberende meisjes juist op deze leeftijd het eten van vlees afzweren.

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WOKE WASHING (Column Dutch) https://henkhoogenkamp.com/woke-washing-column-dutch/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/woke-washing-column-dutch/#respond Thu, 14 Dec 2023 05:35:24 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2931 Zijn we eindelijk gewend aan de term ‘greenwashing’, komt ineens ook de kreet ‘woke washing’ in het vocabulaire opzetten. Greenwashing is inmiddels verheven tot een bekende sabotagetechniek van bedrijven en activistische organisaties, die zich milieuvriendelijker en groener voordoen dan ze in werkelijkheid zijn. Niet zelden worden er gesponsorde studies dan wel influencers in stelling gebracht om de groene boodschap in hapklare brokken te aan de consument te promoten.

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‘MCDONALD’S ONTKETENT REVOLUTIE MET CONCEPT COSMC’S’ (Column Dutch) https://henkhoogenkamp.com/mcdonalds-ontketent-revolutie-met-concept-cosmcs-column-dutch/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/mcdonalds-ontketent-revolutie-met-concept-cosmcs-column-dutch/#respond Thu, 14 Dec 2023 05:33:27 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2927 Het moet niet gekker worden! Starbucks gaat steeds meer op de McDonald’s-toer en McDonald’s gaat juist met nieuw elan Starbucks het vuur aan de schenen leggen

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The World in Transition: Cleaner Consumption (Part 2) https://henkhoogenkamp.com/the-world-in-transition-cleaner-consumption-part-2/ https://henkhoogenkamp.com/the-world-in-transition-cleaner-consumption-part-2/#respond Thu, 14 Dec 2023 05:30:57 +0000 https://henkhoogenkamp.com/?p=2923 In the previous issue, protein technology expert Henk Hoogenkamp discussed why global ecosystems need a reimagining of food systems to operate within nature’s boundaries. For Part 2 in this series, Henk continues to discuss how the food industry needs to transform and revolutionalise the way food is produced.

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