Author: rizwan

Eet (syn)dromen

Het schrijven van columns voor Meat&Co. heeft ook onbedoelde voordelen. Zo kreeg ik het verzoek het voedingsgedrag te observeren tijdens een trans-pacific cruise van Hong Kong naar San Francisco. Cruisen is natuurlijk vele malen aangenamer dan in een vleesfabriek de ideale processing flow van gecoëxtrudeerde rookworst te analyseren.

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Plants – The Future of Meat

The past is our guide, but it need not dictate tomorrow. A real revolution is unfolding in the food world resulting in meat analogs that taste like the real thing. The only catch? It is made purely of plant protein, but that seems to be the future of meat.

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How Pea Protein Became a Star Ingredient

Legumes are a curious food. Some say they are a superfood. They are indeed the only food that gets prominent double billing in the USDA’s new dietary guidelines, which sets out rationale for the optimal American diet. 
Legumes include most beans, peas, and lentils, and these are categorized both as a recommended vegetable, and a protein source, alongside meat and poultry, nuts, seeds, and soy. 

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