The magic touch of Silicon Valley
The world’s future is the
(r)evolution of society where animal
products are animal-free
The world’s future is the
(r)evolution of society where animal
products are animal-free
Heel langzaam trekken de donkere wolken weg boven McDonald’s Amerika. Er is nog wel een discrepantie tussen de klagende franchisers en de opgewekte aandeelhouders, maar het lek schijnt boven te zijn.
Impossible Foods has received funding and support from strong investors
Starke Investoren stehen hinter
Impossible Foods und der
Entwicklung des
pflanzlichen Fleischsafts
Als Meat&Co.-columnist heeft u Henk Hoogenkamp
al vaak voorbij zien komen binnen onze redactionele
kolommen. In zijn columns laat deze wereldwijd
gerespecteerde eiwitgoeroe zijn licht schijnen op
brandende ontwikkelingen binnen zijn vakgebied.
Meat happens to be incredibly tasty and nutritious. Perhaps the
only way to compete is to develop a superior plant based product
that is at least equally good in organoleptic performance.
The Golden Arches are as ubiquitous a sight along American roadways as stop signs and red lights, both of which are symbolic of the response consumers have been delivering to the global fast-food chain of late.
There are many disruptions in the socio-economic and demographic settings of our daily life. Seemingly
the whole planet Earth is being disrupted right now. Brexit, Trump and Leicester City all in one sentence!
Unbelievable but true.
The verdict is out: as far as Millennials
(born 1982-2004) are concerned,
McDonald’s flagship product “Big
Mac” has gotten less relevant. It is shocking to know that just one in five Millennials –the fast-food core target group- has ever eaten a Big Mac hamburger.
A plant meat and a traditional meat company have announced an investment agreement whereby
Springdale, Arkansas based
Tyson Foods Inc. will own a five percent stake in Beyond Meat.