

People, plants, animals, soil, water, sunshine, and eco-systems are all connected to food. New thinking will be necessary to allow the global food industry to transform and revolutionize the way food is produced by creating an environment-friendly supply chain that takes no more than what planet Earth can give.

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Plant-based Beverages

The booming interest in plant proteins is driven both by changes in lifestyles and a deepening awareness of the importance of health, wellness, and sustainability. Contributed by Henk Hoogenkamp.

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In the US market, it appears that the initial excitement surrounding plant-based meat has subsided. Various plant-based meat formats, such as burgers and sausages, are experiencing a decline in net data revenue in 2023 compared to the previous year.

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The World In Transition, Cleaner Consumption (Part 1)

All ecosystems are connected to food. Given what we know of climate change, the food industry needs to transform and revolutionalise the way food is produced. Only then can we create an environment-friendly supply chain that takes no more than what planet Earth can give. Contributed by protein technology expert Henk Hoogenkamp.

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Soy Protein too Big to Fail

Author & Protein Application Specialist, Henk Hoogenkamp, gives his expert opinion on the potential of soy protein. SOYBEANS are known to contain specific proteins that cause allergic reactions or inhibit the absorption of other nutrients such as the so-called anti- nutritional proteins like trypsin inhibitors and lectins (carbohydrate-binding proteins). Humans and some animals have intolerances […]

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Vega drammen column (Dutch)

April 2023 We kunnen het wentelen of keren, maar vroeg of laat gaat de huidige vegavlees-discussie kantelen. Van beide zijden gaan de scherpe kantjes eraf en wordt de noodzaak ingezien om de ongebreidelde vleesconsumptie in de Westerse landen te minderen, terwijl de ‘vega-idioten’ inzien dat voor grote groepen consumenten een aanslag op de gezondheid gepleegd […]

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Upcycled Barley: The protein brewery

The beer brewing industry has made significant strides in upcycling spent grains into valuable protein ingredients. What matters is discovering natural barley protein application opportunities and proprietary technologies that are responsible for sustainable sourcing while amplifying the best from nature, taste, nutrition, and health. Contributed by Henk Hoogenkamp.

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The world in transition, cleaner consumption

People, plants, animals, soil, water, sunshine, and eco-systems are all connected to food. New thinking will be necessary to allow the global food industry to transform and revolutionize the way food is produced by creating an environment-friendly supply chain that takes no more than what planet Earth can give.

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Column: Ideologie of Idioterie? (Dutch)

Lezers van mijn columns vinden mijn visies vaak ‘zwart-wit’. Dat is een bewuste keuze. Immers, een zwart-wit-visie stemt tot nadenken en uiteindelijk wordt de mengkleur toch weer grijs. De gulden middenweg zogezegd, hetgeen uiteindelijk de bedoeling is.

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