Sodium reduction in food products can be challenging. Salt (sodium chloride) is a highly functional ingredient. It not only makes food taste better, but it also allows a clean label, binds water, inhibits microbial growth, and costs cheap. Sodium in foods comes from multiple sources like bread, pastry, coatings (batters/ breading), canned soups, brines, and marinades in processed meat and plant meat products.
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The World in Transition: Cleaner Consumption (Part 2)
In the previous issue, protein technology expert Henk Hoogenkamp discussed why global ecosystems need a reimagining of food systems to operate within nature’s boundaries. For Part 2 in this series, Henk continues to discuss how the food industry needs to transform and revolutionalise the way food is produced. Post Views: 105
The artificial intelligence of fast food
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The World In Transition, Cleaner Consumption (Part 1)
All ecosystems are connected to food. Given what we know of climate change, the food industry needs to transform and revolutionalise the way food is produced. Only then can we create an environment-friendly supply chain that takes no more than what planet Earth can give. Contributed by protein technology expert Henk Hoogenkamp. Post Views: 135